Kyoto Asa Orimono WEB shop is established in Japan for supplying value Linen qualities as whole sales to professionals in fashion market.
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What’s Kyoto Asa Orimono?

Kyoto Asa Orimono is actual weaving factory that was established in 1912 at Yamashina prefecture in Kyoto.
In 1891, Akai Minetaro, the founder of AKAI was just twelve years old when he went to work at Hirota-Saburo-Suke Shoten located at Shinmachi-Sanjo in Kyoto. After learning all there was to know about the linen and fabric business, he established his own company, AKAI Minetaro Shoten (AKAI Inc.)in 1912. By 1921, he had begun to produce fabric in his own weaving factory, it was named “Kyoto Asa Orimono”. This was the first professional factory for weaving linen fabric in Japan.

*”Asa Orimono” means “Linen Fabric” in Japanese.
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